Client: European Union´s programme European Horizon
Period: 2023-2026
SYNCLUSIVE is a research and innovation project testing and studying an innovative, integral, and interdisciplinary systems’ approach to stimulate inclusion of vulnerable groups in the labour market.
The challenge. Some people are more vulnerable than others in the labour market (e.g. people with disabilities and their carers, young people up to the age of 24 or pre-retirement, people who do not speak Estonian or the long-term unemployed, etc.). Promoting labor market inclusion of vulnerable groups is not only about inclusion of vulnerable groups who are still outside the labour market. SYNCLUSIVE’s vision is that stimulating labour market mobility of current employees in organisations creates traction for inclusion of vulnerable job seekers in the regional labour market.
SYNCLUSIVE will set up Living Labs in the Netherlands, Finland, Portugal, and Bulgaria. In these labs, drivers of and barriers to labour market mobility are identified and an integrated package of interventions is implemented to facilitate for both upward and sideward mobility of employees and the inflow of vulnerable groups.
Centar participates in the project in a reflecting role, assessing how the living lab approach and the solutions that are being tested in four countries could be transferred to the Estonian context.
The project lasts from 2023 to 2026 and is funded by the European Union through the European Horizon for Research and Innovation Grant Agreement No 101094526.
More information about the project and our progress: