Client: Ministry of the Interior
Period: 2024
The European Union (EU) internal security policy projects will contribute to Estonia’s security during the period 2021-2027 with a total value of 115 million euros. There are three internal security policy funds:
AMIF is established to effectively manage migration flows and implement a common asylum and migration policy, contributing to their strengthening and development.
ISF was created primarily to prevent and combat terrorism, radicalization, serious and organized crime, and cybercrime, while also assisting and protecting victims of crime and preparing for security incidents, risks, and crises to ensure a high level of security within the EU.
BMVI has been established to ensure strong and effective integrated border management at Europe’s external borders, thereby helping to guarantee a high level of internal security within the Union while protecting the free movement of people within the EU area.
Although the implementation of the funds was slightly delayed, most activities had started by the time of the assessment.
The implementation of the funds was assessed from the perspective of the following evaluation criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, EU-added value, and coherence. Some proposals were made to improve the implementation of the funds during the current period and in the future planning of fund utilization. Nevertheless, it was found that the funds meet Estonia’s needs and contribute to the achievement of the set objectives.